A collection of interensting papers.
Ice and Menstruation
- - Cold water has no negative impact on our health or menstrual cycle.
- Cold water has no impact on menstrual cycle.
- Menstruation is linked to the reproductive system, and drinking/eating is linked to the digestive system.
- There is evidence however, that sugar intake and dairy products can lead to bloating and muscle contractions, which attribute to menstrual cramps.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- The randomized, controlled trial design has distinct limitations when applied to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), because TCM is holistic and conceptual, and it identifies and treats ‘syndromes’ rather than diseases.
- Tsang, Ian KY. “Establishing the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.” Nature clinical practice Rheumatology 3.2 (2007): 60-61.
- - Acupuncture and tai chi may help improve quality of life and certain pain conditions. Studies of Chinese herbal products used in TCM for a range of medical conditions have had mixed results.
- Many studies have been of poor quality, so no firm conclusions can be made about Chinese herbal products’ effectiveness.
- Some Chinese herbal products have been contaminated with toxic compounds, heavy metals, pesticides, and microorganisms and may have serious side effects.- https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/traditional-chinese-medicine-what-you-need-to-know
- - Researchers at the University of Maryland school of medicine in Baltimore surveyed 70 systematic reviews measuring the effectiveness of traditional medicines, including acupuncture. None of those studies could reach a solid conclusion because the evidence was either too sparse or of poor quality.
- For most conditions, there is not enough rigorous scientific evidence to know whether TCM methods work for the conditions for which they are used.- Cyranoski, David. “Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world.” Nature 561.7724 (2018): 448-448.